Dr. Frunza Mihai Catalin

Nota 10 din 2 recomandări
Locație: Bucuresti, județul Bucuresti


a votat pe 22-11-2018 cu nota
Bruce Reuman

Ultima vizita la cabinet: iulie 2018

„ Dr Mihai Frunza has both qualities that make a good dentist and surgeon;the professional skills and the ability to relate as a person to others in need.After a disastrous experience with my first choice dentist,I called and asked for his help during the short time I had left before returning to Australia.Despite the short time he had left before his holidays and the people already booked for his services, he still made time available to help me. I still feel very grateful to him.The thorough and meticulous work he did created a replacement for my front teeth that is very comfortable and strong enough to last for many years. The office was always busy when I arrived which is a sure sign of his value and the staff were always helpful.His fees are also very reasonable.”

a votat pe 20-08-2016 cu nota
Lipciuc Viorica

Ultima vizita la cabinet: august 2016

„Cu toate ca aveam o problema stomatologica destul de grava tot amanam vizita la denstist, asta pana cand cineva mi l-a recomandat pe dl. dr. Mihai Frunza. In cabinetul dr. Frunza m-am simtit minunat, nu am simtit dureri, nu m-am plictistit ( o mare problema a mea) si cel mai important am iesit din cabinet cu un zambet de 5 stele. Datorita Dr. Frunza, am din nou incredere in mine si pot zambi nestingherita( pot spune ca acest om mi-a sters catvia ani de pe chip)! Recomand, recomand recomand!”

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